Dear reader,
In the following you can read what Sri Guru Granth Sahibji says:
Dear friend, whatever you are in, all are temporary, God made them to support you as a bridge to meet your goal:
In this life you are not allowed to say lie, because it is a very short and sweet gift, and you should live it with honesty and to know the truth of life. Heaven and Hell both, you will face in your life only, there is no heaven and hell after death.
A human life is not belongs to any religion, It is just like Animals and Plants.
This is about life. Life, you are living with the help of air (Oxygen). Everyone in this universe need air to live or run. Animals get birth and live as per of design they receive from creator, but human get change as per of religion, WHY? This human body is the only structure who has very sharp mind to think, athletic, etc. beyond animals can do, Why? Dear, this human body is the only soul who can meet with our creator, others are just passing their life but a human can stop this reincarnation if he understand and meditate to life. Just think for that moment when you got your first breath while birth (After three months in the stomach)Human birth is supreme amongst all life forms as it provides an opportunity for the soul to end its journey of births and deaths and merge in God. For this the humans must realize what they are here for and conduct their life accordingly. This is taught by the scriptures which are Sri Guru Granth Sahib and compositions of the tenth Guru for the Sikhs. The compositions are called Banis.
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swrg mhlw 5 ]
saarag mehalaa 5 |
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
mweI siq siq siq hir siq siq siq swDw ]
maaee sath sath sath har sath sath sath saadhaa |
O mother, True, True True is the Lord, and True, True, True is His Holy Saint.
bcnu gurU jo pUrY kihE mY CIik gWTrI bwDw ]1] rhwau ]
bachan guroo jo poorai kehiou mai sheek gaatharee baadhaa |1| rehaao |
The Word which the Perfect Guru has spoken, I have tied to my robe. ||1||Pause||
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ey srIrw myirAw hir qum mih joiq rKI qw qU jg mih AwieAw ]
eae sareeraa maeriaa har thum mehi joth rakhee thaa thoo jag mehi aaeiaa |
O my body, the Lord infused His Light into you, and then you came into the world.
hir joiq rKI quDu ivic qw qU jg mih AwieAw ]
har joth rakhee thudh vich thaa thoo jag mehi aaeiaa |
The Lord infused His Light into you, and then you came into the world.
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ey srIrw myirAw iesu jg mih Awie kY ikAw quDu krm kmwieAw ]
eae sareeraa maeriaa eis jag mehi aae kai kiaa thudh karam kamaaeiaa |
O my body, why have you come into this world? What actions have you committed?
ik krm kmwieAw quDu srIrw jw qU jg mih AwieAw ]
k karam kamaaeiaa thudh sareeraa jaa thoo jag mehi aaeiaa |
And what actions have you committed, O my body, since you came into this world?
ijin hir qyrw rcnu ricAw so hir min n vswieAw ]
jin har thaeraa rachan rachiaa so har man n vasaaeiaa |
The Lord who formed your form - you have not enshrined that Lord in your mind.
gur prswdI hir mMin visAw pUrib iliKAw pwieAw ]
gur parasaadhee har mann vasiaa poorab likhiaa paaeiaa |
By Guru's Grace, the Lord abides within the mind, and one's pre-ordained destiny is fulfilled.
khY nwnku eyhu srIru prvwxu hoAw ijin siqgur isau icqu lwieAw ]35]
kehai naanak eaehu sareer paravaan hoaa jin sathigur sio chith laaeiaa |35|
Says Nanak, this body is adorned and honored, when one's consciousness is focused on the True Guru. ||35||
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nwnku ismrY eyku nwmu iPir bhuiV n DweI ]1]
naanak simarai eaek naam fir bahurr n dhaaee |1|
O Nanak, remember in meditation the One Name, and you shall never again be consigned to the womb of reincarnation.. ||1||
Dear friend, whatever you are in, all are temporary, God made them to support you as a bridge to meet your goal:
Ainq´ ivqM Ainq´ icqM Ainq´ Awsw bhu ibiD pRkwrM ]
anitha vithan anitha chithan anitha aasaa bahu bidh prakaaran |
Wealth is temporary; conscious existence is temporary; hopes of all sorts are temporary.
Ainq´ hyqM AhM bMDM Brm mwieAw mlnµ ibkwrM ]
anitha haethan ahan bandhan bharam maaeiaa malanan bikaaran |
The bonds of love, attachment, egotism, doubt, Maya and the pollution of corruption are temporary.
iPrMq join Anyk jTrwgin nh ismrMq mlIx buD´M ]
firanth jon anaek jatharaagan neh simaranth maleen budhaan |
The mortal passes through the fire of the womb of reincarnation countless times. He does not remember the Lord in meditation; his understanding is polluted.
hy goibMd krq mieAw nwnk piqq auDwrx swD sMgmh ]16]
hae gobindh karath maeiaa naanak pathith oudhaaran saadh sangameh |16|
O Lord of the Universe, when You grant Your Grace, even sinners are saved. Nanak dwells in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||16||
In this life you are not allowed to say lie, because it is a very short and sweet gift, and you should live it with honesty and to know the truth of life. Heaven and Hell both, you will face in your life only, there is no heaven and hell after death.
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soriT sorath
<> siqgur pRswid ]
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh |
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
bhu prpMc kir pr Dnu ilAwvY ] suq dwrw pih Awin lutwvY ]1]
bahu parapanch kar par dhan liaavai | suth dhaaraa pehi aan luttaavai |1|
Practicing great hypocrisy, he acquires the wealth of others. Returning home, he squanders it on his wife and children. ||1||
mn myry BUly kptu n kIjY ] AMiq inbyrw qyry jIA pih lIjY ]1] rhwau ]
man maerae bhoolae kapatt n keejai | anth nibaeraa thaerae jeea pehi leejai |1| rehaao |O my mind, do not practice deception, even inadvertently. In the end, your own soul shall have to answer for its account. ||1||Pause||
iCnu iCnu qnu CIjY jrw jnwvY ] qb qyrI Ek koeI pwnIE n pwvY ]2]
shin shin than sheejai jaraa janaavai | thab thaeree ouk koee paaneeou n paavai |2|
Moment by moment, the body is wearing away, and old age is asserting itself. And then, when you are old, no one shall pour water into your cup. ||2||
khqu kbIru koeI nhI qyrw ] ihrdY rwmu kI n jpih svyrw ]3]9]
kehath kabeer koee nehee thaeraa | hiradhai raam kee n japehi savaeraa |3|9|
Says Kabeer, no one belongs to you. Why not chant the Lord's Name in your heart, when you are still young? ||3||9||
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